Here are the rules for a simple dice betting game. 1 page of rules. Change the rules to suit your needs. All you need are 5 dice per player and poker chips. It still could be edited again but you will get the basic idea.

What you need to play......Five six sided dice per player.
Poker chips.
A few simple rules.
One, two, or more players.
One player plays as the banker and the other player plays against the bank.
For solitaire play, play as banker and play against the bank both.
The object of the game is to win all the chips of the other player by making wagers
on each round of rolling five dice and trying to roll as many ones as possible.
Before playing players must agree on how many chips will be played for.
Chips are divided equally between the banker and second player.
The value of each color of chips are agreed upon before hand as well as wager
minimums and maximums.
To play a round the player playing against the bank makes their wager for the round.
If they win the round they win an amount equal to their wager from the banker.
If they lose the round the banker wins the wager.
The banker rolls five dice. Only ones count. If a straight is rolled the banker rolls all
five dice again in an attempt to roll as many ones as possible. The banker rolls again
if another straight is rolled and may continue re rolling as long as a straight is rolled.
Straights are any sequence of four or five dice. 1,2,3,4,5....2,3,4,5,6... or 1,2,3,4.....
The banker must keep the ones they rolled and their portion of the round is over
if they get no straight, or if they get no ones and no straight.
The player playing against the bank then rolls all five dice subject to the same rules
as the banker in an attempt to roll more ones than the banker has. If they roll more
ones than the banker has they win the wager. If they roll fewer ones than the
banker they lose the wager. The banker wins all ties. Only ones count.
Repeat the rounds again until either the banker or the opposing player loses all
their chips. Remember, all five dice must be re rolled if a straight is rolled.
Whichever player wins all the chips wins!
Add more players if you choose. The amount of chips for the banker and players
playing against the bank can be set however desired. The banker always rolls first
for each round. Then players playing against the bank roll from right to left.
If you like, have the banker payout 3 to 2 to a player having two ones more than
the banker and 2 to 1 to a player having three or more ones than the banker.
As an option you could make ties with the banker as ties or no result.
Swetye Games 2021