Green Ball Pool Game
Here are the rules for a pool game I came up with. This is my version of Six Ball. It seems to be a good game for practicing bank shots. A bit difficult because good shots are hard to get. Playing on a slightly modified miniature table. Two pages of rules.

Green Ball is a pool game played by calling shots using six object balls numbered one
through six.
1 Deciding on the break…..Lagging
2 Green Ball rack
3 Break shot
4 Calling shots and pocketing balls
5 Safety
6 Mis-pocketed balls
7 Continuing the game and victory or defeat
8 Fouls
1 Deciding on the break……..lagging
The player who wins the lag will choose who breaks the rack. Alternatively,
players may decide upon who breaks however they wish.
2 Green Ball rack
The object balls are racked tightly in a triangular shape with the six ball at the
apex of the triangle and on the foot spot. The other five balls are placed in any
3 Break shot
The cue ball begins in hand behind the head string and if no ball is pocketed two
or more balls must be driven to the rail or the shot is a foul. If the six ball is
pocketed there is a new break.
4 Calling shots and pocketing balls
The current shooter must call all shots. Either the cue ball must strike a rail first
before striking an object ball or the called object ball must strike a rail before
being pocketed. The six ball may be used to strike another object ball without
either having to strike a rail before the called ball is pocketed. 1
5 Safety
After the break the shooter, before a shot is made, may call “safety” allowing
them to make contact with the called object ball without having to strike a rail
and ending their inning. If the called object ball is pocketed the shot is a foul.
6 Mis- pocketed balls
If a player misses the called object ball or puts the called object ball in the wrong
pocket or pockets another ball the shot is a foul and their inning is over. Pocketed
balls are spotted. The next shooting player may place the cue ball anywhere on
the table.
7 Continuing the game and victory or defeat
If the shooting player pockets a called ball they may continue their inning until
not pocketing a ball or a foul is committed. The six ball must be the last ball
pocketed and either the cue ball must strike a rail before pocketing the six ball or
the six ball must strike a rail before being pocketed. If the shooter scratches on
the six ball or pockets it before being the last ball on the table they lose the
game. If they pocket the six ball last and there is no foul they win the game.
8 Fouls
Cue ball scratch or off the table
No rail struck
No foot on floor
Ball driven off table ball is spotted
Touched ball ball is spotted
Double hit / frozen balls
Balls still moving
Cue stick on table
Playing out of turn
Slow play
Following a foul the next shooter may place the cue ball anywhere on the table.
Swetye Games 2022 2